Plastic Surgery, Face

Show a better face to the world

It’s important to project a positive image—it can improve your self-esteem, your relationships, and even your career. If you’re self-conscious about protruding ears, that bump on your nose, or drooping eyes, though, that can be a challenge. We can help. We perform facial cosmetic surgery to address a variety of issues in a professional, comfortable manner.

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Call and schedule your consultation at 215.710.5234 to look and feel your best.

Learn more about the following procedures:

Unlike ear pinning, earlobe repair isn’t performed to correct protruding ears. Earlobe repair is done to fix earlobes that have been torn by earrings or trauma, or have been intentionally stretched by “gauging” (a body piercing practice.) Earlobes are made of just skin and fat (no bones or cartilage), which is why they are much more prone to tearing than other parts of the ear.

How is earlobe repair surgery done? Earlobe repair surgery is done on an outpatient basis, and you’ll only need local anesthesia. It usually takes about one hour. Your certified plastic surgeon will cut away the skin lining the tear, removed excess tissue if needed, and stitches the earlobe back together.

What is earlobe repair recovery like? You may have some discomfort after your earlobe repair. Over-the-counter pain medication can help with this. Your care team will also provide detailed instructions on how to care for the surgical site. You won’t need bandages on your earlobes, but you’ll need to apply antibiotic ointment to the incisions, so they don’t become infected. The stitches will be removed once the swelling has reduced, usually within one week.

Will I be able to wear earrings again after earlobe repair? Yes. No matter why your earlobes have become stretched, the repair procedure will let you wear earrings again once healing is complete.

Ear pinning, also known as ear surgery or “otoplasty,” can improve the shape of your ears, correct protruding ears, or treat ears misshapen by injury.

How is the ear pinning procedure done? After administering anesthesia, an incision is made in the back surface of the ear. To correct protruding ears, he will then create or increase the fold just inside the rim of the ear while reducing the size of enlarged “conchal” cartilage (the largest and deepest concavity of the outer ear). He uses internal, non-removable sutures to secure the newly-shaped cartilage.

What is ear pinning recovery like? You will probably feel some discomfort right after the procedure. This is normal and can be managed with pain medicine. You may feel itchy beneath the bandages that have been placed over your ears, but it is extremely important that you don’t remove them for any reason. If you do, you may lose some of your ear correction and require a second surgery.

What results can I expect from ear pinning surgery? In the case of protruding ears, your surgery will offer results almost immediately. You’ll be able to see them as soon as the dressings that support the new shape of the ear during the first part of healing are removed. Surgical scars will be hidden either behind the ear or within the natural creases of the ear.

Nose surgery is commonly known as “rhinoplasty.” It can enhance the harmony of facial features by changing the size and shape of the nose, focusing on the bridge, nostrils, or tip according to the patient’s needs. In addition, rhinoplasty is often performed to correct breathing problems like a deviated septum. In this instance, the nasal structure is adjusted to provide optimal alignment.

How is the nose surgery procedure done? After administering anesthesia, you will receive either a closed procedure (where an incision is hidden inside the nose), or an open procedure (where an incision is made in the strip of tissue that separates the nostrils). Bone or cartilage is then removed or reshaped in order to achieve the desired result. At that point, the nasal skin and tissue is redraped, and the incision is closed.

What’s nose surgery recovery like? While you’re recovering, you’ll most likely have a splint or packing placed inside your nose and a splint or bandages on the outside for support and protection during the first part of the healing process. The initial swelling will go down in just a few weeks, but it may take up to a year for your new nose contour to fully refine.

What results can I expect from nose surgery? During the first year following nose surgery, you’ll notice gradual changes in the appearance of your nose as it refines into its final shape. Your nose surgery results should be fairly permanent as long as you exercise lifelong sun protection and maintain a healthy lifestyle.

Eyelid surgery (also known as “blepharoplasty”) can improve the look of sagging, droopy eyes and give you a fresher, more rested appearance. The procedure can be performed on the upper eyelids, lower eyelids, or both. It’s often performed along with a facelift and/or a brow lift.

How is the eyelid surgery procedure done? After receiving anesthesia, incisions designed to be hidden by the natural contours of the eye will be made. Excess fat will be redistributed or removed, muscles and tissues tightened, and excess skin will be trimmed before the incisions are closed.

What is eyelid surgery recovery like? Once your procedure is finished, lubricating ointment and cold compresses will be applied and they may cover your eyes with gauze. You’ll be advised how to care for your eyes, what medicines to take, what to look for at the surgical site, and when to follow up with the doctor. At first, you may notice some swelling, bruising, or irritation. It’s very important to practice diligent sun protection and wear dark sunglasses until healing is complete.

What results can I expect from eyelid surgery? Within several weeks, you’ll see your final eyelid surgery results, although it may take up to a year for the incision lines to refine. Your results should be long-lasting and can correct some conditions permanently. You’ll continue to age naturally, but you can help maintain your eyelid surgery results by using lifelong sun protection.

A neck lift isn’t a single procedure. Rather, it’s a combination of procedures that can include removing excess skin, removing or changing neck muscles, liposuction for excess fat, and botulinum toxin to address neck “bands”.

Can a neck lift fix my “turkey wattle” neck? Absolutely. In fact, that’s one of the main reasons people have neck lifts. During the surgery, incisions are made under your chin, behind your ears, or both to get to a muscle called the “platysma” and possibly remove some of it. It is common for him to begin the procedure with liposuction.

How long should I plan to take off work with a neck lift? You should plan on taking at least one week, and possibly two. Your plastic surgeon can help you understand what to expect from the surgery and the recovery. If you participate in vigorous activities or sports, you should wait at least 3 weeks after a neck lift before resuming them.

What’s neck lift recovery like? If you’ve prepared for your surgery properly (eaten a healthy diet, quit smoking if necessary), recovery should be easier. On the day of surgery, wear loose-fitting clothing, including a top that doesn’t need to be pulled over your head. In the first few weeks after surgery, you’ll probably notice swelling, bruising, and numbness. All of these are normal. You may also notice tightness, tingling, burning, or pulling.

A facelift can markedly lessen the visible signs of aging in your face.

These signs can include:

  • Sagging in the midface
  • Deep under-eye creases
  • Deep creases between the nose and mouth
  • Loss of muscle tone leading to a “jowly” look

Often, facelifts are performed in conjunction with brow lift and/or eyelid surgery.

How is the facelift procedure done? First, you’ll receive anesthesia. Then, depending on the level of change you wish to see, a traditional facelift will be performed, a minimal incision facelift, or a neck lift. The tradition facelift incision is the largest, but all incisions are designed to be concealed by the hairline or natural contours of the face. Beneath the skin, fat is redistributed and underlying tissue is repositioned before excess skin is removed and the incisions are closed. Other procedures may be recommended to enhance the overall outcome of your facelift. They can include cosmetic skin procedures such as botulinum toxin, dermal fillers, chemical peels, and laser skin resurfacing.

What is facelift recovery like? After your procedure is finished, a bandage will be wrapped gently around your face to reduce the chance of bruising and swelling. A small, thin tube may be temporarily placed under the skin to drain any excess fluid. You will be given instructions on how to care for your surgical sites following surgery, what medicines to take, and what specific things to look for at the surgical site or in your general health.

What results can I expect from the facelift procedure? Facelift results are long-lasting. You can help maintain your improved appearance by using rigorous skin protection and enjoying a healthy lifestyle.